The Professionalism Plus course is about augmenting your professionalism skills to enhance both your self-interest and your capacity to create win-win outcomes from your professional interactions.
The course is a mixture of theory and practical examples with an optional additional practical assignment at the end of Day 1. The practical examples will cover techniques to help with problem solving, making difficult decisions, managing risk and improving your communication skills.
After the course, attendees will have an improved wherewithal to assess character, develop their own character, resolve ethical dilemmas and more generally, to act prudently and responsibly in their interest and in the interests of others.
The course is designed to complement the very technically driven actuarial education to aid attainment of a more rounded general real world wherewithal. Actuarial education is very rational and very much inside the box. It can leave gaps in terms of aiding the full development of an actuary’s interpersonal and commercial wherewithal, including a wherewithal to consider the public interest, a key professional requirement in most actuarial associations. For example, the course will draw out a wherewithal regarding whistleblowing that can be essential because if such an issue arises, an actuary can appear stuck between a rock and a hard place, if they blow the whistle, they can face significant personal hardship, whilst if they fail to blow the whistle, they can face professional sanction.
Over the two days of the course, the following topics will be addressed
- Self care and mental health, including the impact of Covid19
- Techniques to aid decision making
- Professional ethics and conflicts of interest
- Regulation of professionals, including AAE requirements
- Character assessment / development / interaction
- Managing issues of discrimination and harassment in the workplace
- Whistleblowing
- Persuasion theory and influencing skills
- Emotional intelligence
- Managing brutish behaviour and unhealthy work environments
- Data ethics and ethical AI
- Leadership skills
- Realpolitik - power dynamics and power struggles
- Change management - making changes when change is difficult