Prof Dr Fabian Transchel
holds the endowed chair of e+s Rück for Data Science at Harz University of Applied Sciences, Wernigerode, Germany. He's an avid proponent of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the insurance sector and has been instrumental in innovating motor insurance through telematics technologies, these days also teaching Actuarial Data Science for DAA and EAA.
Prof Dr Jonas Offtermatt
is a professor of programming and mathematics at DHBW Stuttgart. He has been working as a programming actuary since 2015 and has been teaching at DAA since 2019. With previous leadership roles in the insurance industry, he posseses extensive experience of IT-mangement and software development.
Wolfgang Abele
joined Deloitte 2018 as Senior Manager in the actuarial Non-Life team. He has more than 18 years of experience in the consulting and insurance industry, having worked for HDI Versicherung AG, MSG Consulting und Allianz. Before he joined Deloitte Wolfgang was head of the unit Reserving & Reinsurance.
Throughout his carreer, he was involved in a large number of actuarial projects, in pricing, reserving (IFRS, local GAAP, Solvency II), internal modelling and risk management. His focus was on predictive modelling, analytics, and process optimization. He has extensive knowledge in the programming language R and gives seminars on actuarial data science for the Deutsche Aktuarakademie (DAA).
Dr Marc Busse
is heading the department for software solutions within the microscopy division of ZEISS. Previously, he has been working for seven years in the reinsurance sector as an actuary with focus on data science related topics. Marc is a certified actuary (DAV) and holds a PhD in theoretical physics.
Dr René Külheim
is a mathematician and actuary (DAV) at PTA GmbH, where he heads the artificial intelligence department. In addition to data science-based project work in the financial sector, he is responsible for cloud-based software products with AI components.