Dr Davide Benedetti is Modelling Manager at Athora, with extensive experience in modelling Asset and Liability cashflows in insurance and in developing infrastructures for ALM, Balance Sheet projections and Stress Testing. During his PhD and Postdoc studies, he has collaborated with several EU and UK funded Climate Change related projects, mostly focusing on the usage of insurance to improve the resilience of economic systems against climate related risk drivers such as natural catastrophes, draughts, floods and wildfires.
Abdal Chaudhry is Senior Director of Group Actuarial Reporting at Athora, with over 15 years of experience in the life insurance industry. In the recent years, Abdal has conducted research into the use of machine learning techniques to enhance climate data, improve future climate model projections and to estimate the impact of climate change on insurance risks.
Dr Michael Leitschkis is Group Chief Actuary at Athora with over 20 years of experience working in the life insurance industry. He is a member of the German Actuarial Association’s working party on Climate Scenarios. Michael has authored numerous publications and spoken at various EAA seminars and web sessions on modelling in general and climate modelling in particular. He has been teaching risk taxonomy and risk modelling as part of the EAA’s CERA working party since 2011.
Dr Han Li is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Actuarial Studies, Department of Economics. She is also an Associate Investigator at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research. She is an Associate of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia and has a broad range of research interests around longevity and mortality risks, ageing and retirement, and the impact of climate change on insurance industry. Specifically, much of her research expertise centres on actuarial modelling and forecasting using advanced econometric and statistical techniques.
Michael J McCord is one of the world’s leading experts in developing and managing microinsurance products. His decades of experience include working as controller of a U.S. commercial bank, chief executive officer of a microfinance institution in Uganda, and regional director for microfinance programs in Africa with FINCA International. In 2000, Michael founded the Microinsurance Centre, now MIC@M, part of Milliman. The MIC@M’s vision is to provide three billion low-income people across the world with access to valuable microinsurance and risk management solutions. Michael is a founding member of the Microinsurance Network, and a member of the steering committee for the Munich Re Foundation / Microinsurance Network annual conference on inclusive insurance.
Isabel Sanchez specializes in Banking and Strategic Consulting with extensive experience in Financial and Insurance. Currently, she serves as Business Continuity and Crisis Manager at Volkswagen Bank, with responsibility for Operational Risk and ESG risks. Isabel has contributed to undergraduate and postgraduate programs at different universities and business schools, notably as Director of MBA program at Universidad Carlemany, and has spoken at various international conferences on ESG risks.