Dr Dieter Köhnlein, Actuary DAV, CERA
Dieter is non-life insurance actuary and statistician. After his academic career at the University of Bonn, ending with a Ph.D. in probability theory and mathematical statistics he started his work as practitioner as motor insurance statistician for the German motor insurers association (HUK-Verband). Before he entered 1998 into actuarial consulting at Tillinghast-Towers Perrin (Now: Willis Towers Watson) Dieter headed the Non-Life Actuarial department of Alte Leipziger Versicherung, Germany. Since 2006 Dieter has worked for several audit firms as an actuarial and risk management consultant including KPMG and Mazars. In 2020 Dieter has founded an own consultancy firm (Actuarial Risk Consulting GmbH) in Germany. Dieter is member of the German Actuarial Society (DAV) and has served in many committees and the DAV-Board for many years. In particular he is member of the DAV Sustainability Coordination Group.
Dr Ali Majidi, Actuary (DAV)
Ali studied mathematics between 1997 and 2003 at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Essen, Germany. He concluded his academic career with a doctorate in mathematical statistics. After graduation, Ali worked for Philips Research in Aachen, Germany on speech recognition. This was followed by entering actuarial consulting at Tillinghast (now Willis towers Watson), where he worked on property-casualty insurance, and reinsurance projects. Other positions in insurance and reinsurance followed, including Solvency Consultant with MunichRE, Chief Risk Officer with Al Fajer Re in Kuwait as well as CRO and Compliance Officer of Emirates RE in Dubai. His current role is the Head of Controlling and Risk Management with the DMB Rechtsschutz (legal insurance arm of the German National Tenants' Association). In his current role, Ali is also the sustainability officer. Ali is a member of the German Actuarial Society (DAV).