For more than two years now, we have involuntarily found ourselves often in unknown territory, maybe even too often! Things that had never been imagined in any scenario analysis did happen. We needed and still need to quickly adapt to an ever-changing environment as we don’t know what the future holds for us. While trying to juggle with all that adaptation, it also means that “business as usual” needs to get done.
Needless to say, that “business as usual” can also bring its share of challenges and stress with time-consuming projects (e.g. IFRS 17), ad-hoc queries and analyses and back-to-back meetings.
While actuaries are experts at quantifying risk and uncertainty in their sleep, being awake in the new normal can bring its load of (new) uncertainties that can’t be quantified but need to be managed at a personal level. To build resilience is like to build a robust internal re-assurance program for you! You’ll be in a better position to absorb shocks and volatility, even when things seem out of control.
Organised by the EAA - European Actuarial Academy GmbH.