Web Session: Data Quality, Validation & Movement Analysis – Manage Quality under Solvency II
Solvency II includes means for managing (data) quality at various points of the calculation of technical provisions and capital requirements, as well as in the validation activities which are overseen by the Actuarial Functions.
The web session addresses the most prominent requirements for data quality, validation and movement analysis. It shows their interaction but also shortcomings, e.g. in terms of data quality within ORSA process.
Dr Clemens Frey will introduce the web session by motivating the necessity for data quality management as well as validation of the results of actuarial calculations. He will show the requirements of Solvency II in this respect as well as concerning validation and movement analysis. Based on this, he will present a well-proven, unifying data quality framework for actuarial calculations, and show practical means for implementing this framework in insurance companies.
The web session will also contain detailed examples of practical tools for data quality management. In addition, it will be shown to what extent modern methods like individual claims reserving requires an even higher level in terms of data quality, despite this is not yet an explicit part of the regulation.
This web session has been developed for practitioners who want to gain a deeper understanding of requirements and state of the art techniques for data quality management, validation and movement analysis in the context of Solvency II.
Organised by the EAA - European Actuarial Academy GmbH.