Dominik Maier
Dominik Maier is Principal Consultant and Head of Corporate Business at TATA Interactive Systems (TIS). As Principal he has been responsible for the acquisition, conception and implementation of various global strategy and business training concepts (including management simulations) for multiple industries worldwide. Dominik Maier has also led the conception and implementation of the world’s first Solvency II business simulation in which more than 2,000 actuaries and board members around the world have already participated in. Being with TIS since 2004, Dominik has globally facilitated more than 200 management and leadership sessions and he has been working with companies such as Allianz, BASF, Daimler, Deutsche Leasing, Deutsche Postbank, E.ON, Groupama, Hewlett Packard, Infineon, Maersk, Merck, PartnerRe, SAP, Volkswagen and SwissRe. Dominik Maier lectures International Strategic Management, Accounting, Controlling and Finance as well as Value Based Management at renowned universities in Europe and for the public sector.
Tim Schiebel
Jochen Wolf
Since 2005, Jochen Wolf has been Professor for Mathematics and Economics at the Hochschule Koblenz. Before that he worked for several years at the German financial supervisor BaFin where he was responsible for various aspects of insurance supervision. At Bafin he was also involved in the Solvency II project. Prior to joining BaFin, Prof. Wolf held various research positions in stochastic analysis at Universität Jena and at the Université Paris-Nord. He holds a diploma in mathematics from the Universität Mainz and a doctorate in mathematics (focus probability) from the Universität Jena. Professor Wolf is actively involved in the actuarial education at the German actuarial association (DAV).