Dr Anja Blatter
Anja Blatter is a professor for quantitative methods in finance. She teaches courses in predictive analytics and quantitative risk management. Prior to her professorship, Anja was employed by Munich Re. She served as a Senior Actuary in the Life Risk Management unit. Moreover, she is experienced in risk modelling and biometric studies.
Dr Elena Fink
Elena Fink is an actuarial consultant at Deloitte. She develops projection models for valuation and risk measurement in Life insurance with a special focus on economic scenarios and market risk. Elena studied mathematics at Bonn University and holds a PhD in mathematics from the University of Paderborn.
Benedikt Schierl
Benedikt Schierl is an actuarial Consultant at BELTIOS GmbH. He holds a diploma in mathematics from LMU Munich. Benedikt worked in several Projects on ALM- and Projection-Tools. He is a member of the German Actuarial Association.
Dr Ralph Schuster
Ralph Schuster is Head of Section for the Group Actuarial Function at Munich Re. His responsibilities cover life & health as well as non-life operations. His previous positions include underwriting, product development and controlling. He is a member of the German Actuarial Association and active in the committee for talent development. In addition, he has a lecturing assignment with a university of applied sciences and a coaching and consultancy company. Ralph holds a PhD and master degree from the University of Freiburg.
Dr Markus Wadé
Markus Wadé is a Senior Risk Manager in Munich Re’s Integrated Risk Management division. His field of activity includes the development of accumulation and stress test scenarios for Munich Re’s global business operations, and the refinement of risk identification tools and methods. He is also part of the editorial team for the quarterly internal risk report for the Board of Management and Supervisory Board. Before joining Munich Re, Markus worked in quantitative credit risk management in various financial institutions. He holds a PhD for a thesis about the estimation of country risks for credit portfolio models. Markus studied economics at the University of Regensburg and Wesleyan University (USA).