Dr Till Förstemann
Dr Till Förstemann is Research Analyst at Deutsche Bundesbank. Following studies in Göttingen, Lausanne and Nuremberg, he received his doctorate from the University of Paderborn. At Deutsche Bundesbank, he is a member of the research groups on Financial Stability and Risk Management and Modelling.
Dr Jürgen Huschens
Dr Jürgen Huschens, born 1964, is married and has one set of twin daughters. He has a German master degree in Business Mathematics and a master degree in Applied Mathematics from Rice University, Houston Tx. Following a PhD in applied mathematics/computer science he joined IBM as an IT-architect in 1992. From this time he has been focusing exclusively on the Insurance industry. From 2006 he has been working as the Industry Technical Leader for IBM in the European Insurance Industry. In 2009 he has been appointed “IBM Digistinuished Engineer” and became part of the Technical Leadership Team of the IBM corporation. In this role he is very close to the various developments in the technology space that are changing our daily lives.
Dr Huschens is member of the IBM Academy of Technology and has close cooperation with many Insurance companies and institutions in the Insurance eco-system worldwide. He is certified as “Distinguished Architect” by the Open Group and has served also on many boards within the IT Architect profession.
Paul King
Paul King has a first class degree in physics from the University of Oxford and a PhD from Imperial College, London. He qualified as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in 1992 and since then has been involved in just about every area of education for the profession – including chairing the Education Board. He has been a member of Council and for many years led on professional and technical education for Mercer’s UK retirement business. He is currently a member of the International Actuarial Association’s Syllabus Review Task Force and Chair of the Review Panel of the Global CERA Board. Paul runs his own consultancy from the Mid-Wales border where he is also part owner of a beekeeping business – an activity which involves daily risk management!
Andreas Schlögl
Andreas Schlögl is the Head of Group Non-Life UW Risk Management at Generali Group working out of Milan. In this role he is responsible for all the Group Non-Life Capital Models, Catastrophe Risk Management and Business Support.
Prior he used to work for a global consulting company and a large reinsurance company having a different set of responsibilities in Enterprise Risk Management methodology and processes. He holds a diploma in business mathematics from the University of Augsburg, is member of the DAV and holds the title as CERA. He acted as a lecturer for DAV and EEA in various trainings for ORSA and Internal Models and is part of the lectures for the CERA Module of “Processes of ERM”.
Yvonne Schmerfeld
Yvonne Schmerfeld joined EIOPA June 2011 and is the leading expert on pillar II issues of the Solvency II regulation including the preparatory Guidelines on the System of Governance and ORSA. Yvonne also supports EIOPA Solvency II projects such as dialogues with EU Institutions, supervisory authorities from the EEA and from third countries or with stakeholders from industry or academic. From 2007 - 2011 Yvonne was Head of Public Affairs International of the Swiss Insurance Association working on the Swiss Solvency Test and its equivalence to Solvency II. Previously she gathered professional experience inside the Economic and Monetary Committee of the European Parliament for 6 years. Yvonne studied social, economic and political sciences in Germany and France focusing on statistics and European law. Yvonne is a German national, who also speaks English and French.